Release Notes

Public Feb 20 2019


Command line client: We have given the "cm update" command a nice new animated progress bar. Spoiler alert: it looks like this:

Note: if the command output is redirected, you will get the original output.


Command Line Interface: the 'cm' CLI utility has gained Bash superpowers! Now, the 'cm' command can provide command line autocompletion for Bash (more shells coming soon!).

To install it do the following:

$ cm autocomplete install

After that, your .bashrc file is modified with a script to hook 'cm' autocompletion to the 'cm autocomplete' command, so you need to restart your session for changes to take effect.

For now, 'cm' can only autocomplete command names (makeworkspace, showacl, renamerep and the like), but expect more improvements soon.


Eclipse: The Diffs view crashed when it was displayed from the Window -> Show view -> Other -> PlasticSCM -> Diffs menu. Now it's displayed with a "No content to compare message". We also detected and fixed a layout issue in the view that now it's fixed.