Release Notes

Public Feb 27 2019


Command line client: We have given "cm switch" and "cm setselector" a nice new animated progress bar, so now you have something interesting to watch during a long update. Note: you can get the old multi-line output by redirecting the console output.


Windows GUI: The "version tree" diagram now survives application restarts. When you close and reopen the Plastic SCM GUI for Windows, the 2D History diagram tab will be reloaded, and the custom display options, including date filters, will be restored as well, without affecting the settings of the regular Branch Explorer.


Plastic and Gluon (all platforms): Now Plastic and Gluon notify when a new version is available.

When you close the notification using the "OK" button, this will be ignored in the future, until a new version is displayed.

When you close the notification, checking the "Got it, don't show me again" checkbox, you won't be notified again, until after 10 releases. Then you'll be notified again.


Command line client: The cm status command output now includes the head changeset by default.

For example:

>cm status
cs:1@test@localhost:8084 (head:3)

>cm switch my_label
Performing switch operation...
Searching for changed items in the workspace...
Setting the new selector...
Plastic is updating your workspace. Wait a moment, please...
CommandResult 0

>cm status
lb:my_label@test@localhost:8084 (cs:2 - head:3)


Plastic for Windows: Improved the look and feel of the splitters, in the Pending Changes View and the Diff Window.


Command line client: Previously, when working with a Gluon workspace, you had to cd into the workspace to check items in. Now, you can checkin from outside the workspace - just like for a regular workspace.


Command line client: We have given "cm replicate" an animated progress that better matches the GUI. You can still get the old output by redirecting the command output.

Here's a sneak preview of what you can expect (on a very small repository):


We found out that file content downloads that failed due to network issues were incorrectly interpreted as items replicated without their data. The client displayed a message like "Cannot download revision 1432842 from server: Can't download '/wk/src/foo.c' (revid:1432842). It was probably replicated with --nodata, but it is not available in the repository test@localhost:8084.", but that was misleading. We fixed it so that the client displays the original error, rather than the 'nodata' message.


GitServer: Concurrent git clone operations could fail with the error "pack has bad object at offset XXX" since they wrongly share a buffer to build all the packages. Fixed.


Plastic Windows GUI: We fixed the text color of the annotate view bottom panel when using the Montana-Dark theme. It blended with the background before, rendering it unreadable.


Creating a workspace sometimes failed with the error "The workspace cannot be initialized with the given selector. Probably you don't have enough permission to load the initial changeset of the repository of the selector". This happened when the user that performed the 'create workspace' operation only had permissions to see a subtree (e.g. '/game/art'). Now it's fixed.


Plastic GUI: Transformable workspace rules used to fail for paths containing spaces, but now you can enclose the path in double quotes, and the transformer rule will work as expected.

For example, the "plastic.transformerrules" file could contain:

rm "/Path with/spaces in/"

mv /No/Spaces "/Dir with spaces"