Release Notes

Public Jul 06 2017


Now the update operation is cloaking the tree on the server side instead of on the client, so only the needed tree is sent from the server to the client. This is important when the repository is huge and we are working only with a small part of it using cloaked, as the sent tree will be only a few MB (or even KB) instead of hundred of MB that could be the size for a tree with millions of items.

The tree is cloaked taking into account the same cloaked configuration than the client:

* The cloaked.conf of the workspace

* The cloaked.conf of the client

* The cloaked.conf of the global configuration


Windows GUI: now, the update and the checkin operations show theirs progress on Windows taskbar (starting from Windows 7). This way, you can still see the progress while doing other things.

This resolves the following UserVoice: use windows taskbar api


Big files (greater than 4MB by default) were downloaded even if the diff control was displaying a warning message acknowledging that the diff operation would take a long time. Now, this kind of files will be downloaded only when the "show diff" button is clicked. This affects the Pending Changes view, the Diff window and the Code Review window.


Windows GUI: Some of the dialogs shown around the checkin and the replica process did not have a parent. This could cause, if the user abandoned the GUI during a long running operation, that when said operation finished the user could find the GUI blocked because of a dialog that appeared elsewhere on the desktop, instead of on top of the Plastic SCM GUI. Fixed.


The Axosoft OnTime extension threw a NullReferenceException while loading the stored configuration if no configuration file was present. Fixed.


Gluon: the height of the "Undelete item" dialog (the one that lets you choose a path to recover a deleted file) was too short, almost hidding dialog buttons. Fixed.


Visual Studio Plugin: An unexpected ActiPro license dialog arised when diffing a branch, a changeset or current pending changes. Fixed.