Release Notes
Public Mar 03 2016
Gluon: Now it is possible to create a repository from 'Create new workspace' dialog.
Linux (GTK) GUI and Mac OS GUI: Added 'Create XLink' and 'Edit XLink' context menu options in the items view.
Windows GUI: Issue tracker task selection dialog before checking-in changes has been visually improved. Also, showed item paths are now workspace-relative paths.
Issue tracker system: Issue tracker tasks can now be linked through comment hashtags. Starting the comment with the '#' character followed by the issue key (and optionally followed by a colon) will log the checkin information in the related issue.
REMARK: This feature is only available if an issue tracker extension is configured in 'Bind issues to Plastic Changesets' mode.
Example: If Plastic SCM is configured to use JIRA, this checkin comment:
#TD-136: Added new texture files.
Will automatically add the checkin information to issue 'TD-136'.
Triggers: A new variable named PLASTIC_REVIEW_ID is available for the following server triggers: after-mkreview, before-editreview and after-editreview. The variable contains the identifier of the review.
Visual Studio plugin: 'Options' panel in the 'Branch explorer' view, and 'Properties' panel in other views (such as list of branches, labels, changesets ...) where not properly displayed when using the Visual Studio dark theme. Fixed.
Mac OS Installer: The 'MacPlastic' and 'PlasticSCMServer' installers were not properly saving some configuration files during upgrade. Fixed.
Windows GUI: Semantic Method History: Selecting any entry on the semantic method history changes list caused an error dialog to appear, leaving the diff control in an inconsistent state. This disturbed the user experience and prevented users from seeing the differences between two method versions. Fixed.