Release Notes

Public Feb 23 2016


Gluon: Update operation over a directory now recurses into its subdirectories.


Unity 3D plugin: Improvements in Gluon support from Unity 3D Plugin:

* Assets VCS status now shows remote status flags, such 'Out of Sync' (there are newer changes in the repository) and 'Deleted remotely'.

* 'Get Latest' context menu option has been implemented in order to allow the user to perform update operation over single assets.


REST API Linux: The Plastic SCM REST API listener app is now also available on Linux platforms! To start the API listener, type plasticapi in a console terminal.

To get more info about the REST API, please visit the following link:


Linux (GTK) GUI and Mac OS GUI: Now it is possible to resolve multiple conflicts in a row in the 'Merge' view.

(There is also a checkbox to allow the user to apply the same action for the next conflicts to resolve).


Windows GUI: Sometimes a 'NullReference' error was displayed in the 'History 2D' view. Now it's fixed.


Windows GUI: The branch explorer's re-layout mode did not work properly. Branches were not moved when pressing up/down arrow keys. Now it's fixed.


Windows GUI: If the preference 'Diff and merge -> Close merge view ... when a merge is completed' is enabled, when using the 'Advanced merge - Merge from this branch to...' feature, the GUI failed with a NullReference exception after the merge was fully done. Now it's fixed.