Release Notes

Public Sep 12 2014


GUI: Two new categories have been added in the differences dialog (Diff branch contents, Diff changeset contents):

* Changed during merge (CC): it groups files changed during the merge by both the source and the destination contributors.

This new category has been added to ease during the review of all branch differences without having to expand each merge looking for merged files.

In addition, an informative panel has been added to keep merge information for each file. From this informative panel is also possible to navigate to the change in the merged category.

* Only filesystem permissions changed (Fs): it groups files with only filesystem permissions changes (chmod).

This new category has also been added to ease the review of changes.


GUI: Item search improved in 'Items' view with wildcards and basic regexp. The following wildcards are allowed:

'*' -> Will match any character sequence of 0 or more characters

'?' -> Will match a single character.

'pattern' -> Will match only this pattern, strictly, but this won't match any string that contains the pattern inside.

Basic C# regex are allowed like ^pattern or pattern$ to match only the begining or the end of the string. Additional C# regexp not containing '*' and '?' characters are also allowed.


GUI: 'Items' view, usability improvement: From now on, after deleting an item, the focused node will be a closer one to the deleted node in order to avoid too much scrolling.


GUI: Now, the expansion rules of an xlink are listed including the repository on the xlink dialog (the dialog that is used to create or edit an xlink).


GitSync: When an item was added in a branch and merged to another branch in git, the GitSync was deleting and adding the item in Plastic SCM, which could lead to traceability issues. Fixed. Now, the same item is reused, just creating a new revision only when needed (that's it, if the item was also modified).


Unity plug-in: Unable to submit a directory that has been previously moved or renamed. Fixed.


GUI: The differences dialog (Diff branch contents, Diff changeset contents) were showing a wrong path for any change inside an xlink that was inside another xlink.

Example of failing case:

    * add + checkin               /code (wxlink)
    * add + checkin               /code/win32 (another wxlink)
    * add + checkin               /code/win32/win_local.h
    * checkout + modify + checkin /code/win32/win_local.h

When the differences were shown, the path of the item 'win_local.h' was '/code/code/win32/win_local.h', which was wrong. Now it is fixed, and the right path is shown, which is: '/code/win32/win_local.h'.


GUI: When the target changeset of an xlink is changed from the Plastic GUI, an auto expansion rule is generated. But a branch from the xlinked repository is wrongly set as the source branch of the rule. Fixed. Now, the right branch from the parent repository is set as the source branch of the rule.