Release Notes

Public Sep 03 2014


Visual Studio Package: Now it is possible to use the 'Shelves' view from Plastic SCM Visual Studio plugin. The new view is available from the 'Plastic SCM' menu, where all the other views are located.


GUI: Improved the selection checkboxes behavior of the pending changes view. From now on, when the user performs a multiple selection and checks/unchecks one of its nodes, the whole selection updates the checkbox value.


GUI: Several usability improvements in the editable differences:

* When there are unsaved changes in the 'pending changes' view (right diff textbox), a prompt dialog is shown asking the user for saving the new changes in the following


- The user changes the selection in the file list.

- The user refreshes the view.

- The user tries to close the view.

- The user close the view

* When the user selects a textbox in the diff control, the focused textbox is now highlighted.

* When the user edits the right contributor in the diff control, the right textbox's header is remarked in red.


Eclipse plug-in: Added support for ignored files. Two context menus have been added to the Eclipse plugin.

The first one is located in the 'Team' context menu from the package explorer. The second one is located in the 'pending changes' view.

The user can add or remove files to the ignored file list('ignore.conf' file), using the full file path, the file extension or the file name.


Bugzilla integration: Integration updated in order to be compatible with latest bugzilla versions (v4.4.5).


GUI: Now, the 'update workspace' action in the 'Items in workspace' view, takes into account the 'Behavior when trying to switch / update the workspace with changed items' user option.


Merge: Fixed an error performing a 'merge-to' operation when the source contributor has performed complex 'move' and 'add' operations with directories. Example:

    * Initial structure:

    * Changes in source contributor:
      move /src -> /doc
      add  /src
      move /doc -> /src/doc
      move /src/doc/foo.c -> /src/doc/bar.c

Performing a 'merge-to' operation from these changes was causing an error. Now the error has been fixed and the 'merge-to' operation can be successfully completed.


GUI: If an 'after-mkrep' trigger failed when creating a new repository, the 'repositories' view was not refresed and the new repository was not listed. Fixed.


GUI: If an 'after-mkworkspace' trigger failed when creating a new workspace, the 'workspaces' view was not refreshed and the new workspace was not listed. Fixed.


GUI: Dragging and dropping views in the Plastic SCM GUI may lead eventually to an error when trying to reallocate the view in the new location. Fixed.


Visual Studio Plugin: When working in a '.dtproj' project (SSIS package project), and the user switches to other changeset different than the loaded one, sometimes a 'The hierarchy is not in a valid state' error message is shown. Now, the problem is fixed and no error message is shown.


Visual Studio Plugin: After saving a readonly file under version control, a 'Save as/Overwrite/Cancel' dialog was shown when it shouldn't. Now the issue it's fixed: As the file is under the control of Plastic SCM, a 'checkout for edit' operation is performed to remove the readonly attribute and saving the new file contents.


GUI: The 'diff branch/changeset contents' view was not showing the deleted items as a result of a merge operation inside the top-level 'Merge from' node. They were shown as regular deleted items in a top-level 'Deleted' node. Now, the issue is fixed.