Release Notes

Public Oct 06 2014


Crucible plugin: The plugin has been upgraded to support the newest Crucible version available (v3.5.4).


Bamboo plugin: Now the plugin is fully compatible with Bamboo 5.6.x series.


Item merge tracking: The differences of changesets and branches have been improved in the way readonly xlinks are handled in merges. Now, the xlink addition, edition, or deletion is displayed in the 'merge from' category.

In case of a xlink edition (replace the target changeset in the source contributor of the merge), the differences between the old target and the new target are also displayed in the 'merge from' category.


A new tool has been implemented to calculate line-of-code and source-lines-of code statistics for every modification stored on a given repository. The new tool can be found in the client directory, named 'repostatscalculator'. Output results can be stored into a MySQL database.

To show the tool usage, just type 'repostatscalculator' without arguments in a shell window.


Merge: Fixed an error performing a 'merge' operation when a directory is removed and reloaded again during the merge resolution. The file conflicts could be lost if they were related to the reloaded directory.

The failing scenario is the following:

* Initial structure:


* Changes in source contributor:

    add /doc
    ch /src/foo.c
    mv /src/foo.c to /doc/foo.c
    delete /src

* Changes in destination contributor:

      ch /src/foo.c
      ch /src/bar.c

Choosing 'keep source' option in the directory conflicts

resolutions (DeleteChange + MoveDelete) was causing

the file conflict of the '/src/bar.c' item was lost.

Now, the file contents are correctly merged.


Command line client: Fixed unix date format in 'cm log' command.

Previously, tick counts since epoch was returned when

'{unixdate}' was requested in 'csFormat' string.

Now, the command returns unix timestamp correctly

(seconds since epoch).