Release Notes

Public May 23 2014


Eclipse plugin: Implemented eclipse 3.2 backwards compatibility.


GUI: Now it is possible to create a workspace for a given repository. To do that, just open the 'repositories view', right click on the desired repository and select 'Create workspace for this repository'.


MergeTool: From now on, the built-in mergetool application returns an exit code different than '0' if the merge result file was not saved.

Implemented also a new option, named '--silent', which runs mergetool in silent mode. This is useful combined with the '--automatic' option: If both options are present, the mergetool won't show the merge dialog that requires user intervention. Instead, an error code different than '0' is returned.


Visual Studio 2013 Package: The installer was not checking whether Visual Studio was running during a Plastic SCM upgrade. Therefore, the VSIX installation might fail because the installer could not replace the old binary files with the new binaries. Fixed.