Release Notes

Public May 27 2014


Command line client: 'cm mktrigger' command. Now, Plastic SCM triggers can now be created defining the repository that should match before running the trigger indeed. To do that, use the '--filter' option in the 'cm mktrigger' command as follows:


This way, before running the trigger, PlasticSCM will check whether the scm operation involves the defined repository. If so, the trigger program will be executed.

The repository filter can be used together with the standard filter if the filters are separated by the pipe character ('|').


    cm mktrigger before-checkin "check-files"
        "/path/to/script" --filter=rep:default|*.cs

In this example, this filter will be executed only before a file with extension ".cs" is checked in in the 'default' repository hosted in 'blackmore:8087' Plastic SCM server.


Command line client: 'cm listtrigger' command. Added a 'filter' field to the list triggers output.


Improved filter rules definition for configuration files such as 'ignore.conf','cloaked.conf' and any other configuration file for filtering purpouses: Now, filenames and extensions rules containing regular expression characters will be

automatically matched. This means no '**/' prefix is needed from now on.

Previous format:


Current format:


This way, expressions like 'abc.*' are now supported.


Pending changes view and 'cm status' command. After changing the machine time due to a daylight saving, some workspaces were showing changed items when they weren't. Now it is fixed. (If the 'Compare file contents instead of timestamps' option was enabled, the issue was not happening).