Release Notes

Public May 20 2014


GUI: Pending changes view 'moved file detection' functionality now enables 0% to 100% values. The search matches dialog previously had a minimum of 50%. Now it is possible to match any file from the added/deleted list. Other aesthetic and usability issues have been improved.


Command line client: The 'cm find review' is now able to filter the output by the following fields:

* title: The title of the code review

* targettype: 'branch' or 'changeset'

* target: The element being reviewed.

I.e. a Branch Spec, a Changeset Spec, or an object Id.


    * cm find review where targettype = 'branch'
    * cm find review where targettype = 'branch' and target = 'br:/main/br1'
    * cm find review where title like '%br2%'


Now, the 'listlocks' command shows the user name instead of the SID.


When the 'listlocks' command is used with the '--onlycurrentuser' option with an authentication mode that uses SID's, no locks were returned, although the current user had locked items. Fixed.


Checkin operation: Fixed an issue when performing a checkin which involves items in an xlinked repository and its parent repository.

If the checkin operation finishes sucessfully in the xlinked repository but the checkin in the parent repository fails, the xlink target is properly updated to the newly created changeset in the xlinked repository.


Command line client: The 'cm find revs' command was printing unexpected paths in the output with certain 'where' clause filters. Fixed.


GUI: Merge view: The 'open contents' and 'diff' actions weren't available for xlink conflicts. Fixed.


GUI: Merge view: Improved 'view contributors' dialog. Added scroll to the 'ancestors' textbox when the merge operation detected more than one ancestor (recursive merge).


Command line client: The 'cm ls' command was failing if the workspace contained xlinks and:

* the '--tree' option or the '--selector' option were used

* together with the '--xml' or the '--format' options

* and the '-R' option was not used.



Server: The server was returning a 'CmItemLoadedTwiceOnTreeException' performing a checkin after a merge operation, when the merge source contributor has performed changes like the example below:

* Initial content:


* Changes on source contributor

     added    /gui
     moved    /views   -> /gui/views
     moved    /dialogs -> /gui/views/common
     modified /gui/views/common/Progress.cs

This issue has been fixed.