Release Notes

Public Oct 08 2020


macOS, Linux - Plastic: We added custom applications to the file "Open" context menu!

Now you can customise the "Open" context menu for files in the Workspace Explorer view and the Pending changes view.

In the future we will add a preference dialog to configure the menu. If you can't wait, you can use this feature right now by adding a new file "openwith.conf" to your config directory.

Each line of the config file specifies:

* The text to appear in the menu

* An optional keyboard shortcut

* The path to the executable to launch

* Arguments to pass to the executable

The format is slightly different on each platform. Here are some examples of a typical line. For macOS you simply specify the key, "t" in this case", to get the Command+T shortcut:

[TextEdit|t] "/System/Applications/" @file

For linux you specify the control key and the letter key:

[gedit|ControlMask+G] "/usr/bin/gedit" @file
[vim|ShiftMask+V] "/usr/bin/vim" @file

Here you can see the menu in action!


All platforms - Jenkins plugin: We fixed some XML serialization issues.

The plugin sometimes failed to execute commands that output large amounts of XML information. Those commands are 'cm log' (used to build the changes list for a build) and 'cm find' (used to poll the VCS).

If you have a large amount of changes in a build, the XML output can cause issues in the Java process buffers. We changed the code to make the Plastic SCM commands output their XML directly to a file instead of to stdout. That way, the buffers don't get overloaded and the parser works seamlessly.


All platforms - Command line client: We fixed unsetting of attribute values from paths outside the workspace.

You can set an attribute value like this...:

cm attribute set att:test@rep:myrepo@myserver cs:1@rep:myrepo@myserver attributeValue

...even if your current directory is outside the workspace. The fully specified attribute gives us all the info we need.

Sadly, the equivalent cm attribute unset was broken. We have fixed it!


Windows - Plastic: We added missing info in the Path Permissions dialog.

The Path Permissions dialog for a given path only displayed the permissions for all branches. It didn't show the permissions defined for other groups of branches.

Users could still check all secured paths from the path permissions dialog by launching it from the repositories view.

Now both dialogs show the correct info!


All platforms - Jenkins Plugin: We removed unexpected updates when your plan workspace is switched to a changeset.

Following changes in the behavior of CLI command 'update', it unexpectedly changed the current changeset of workspaces switched to a changeset. The 'update' command now switches to the latest changeset in the branch of the current changeset. The Jenkins plugin will avoid this update if the workspace is switched to a changeset or a label.


Windows - Plastic: We fixed item focus when adding new files in the Workspace Explorer.

We now expand the selected directory and set focus on the new file when it is added in the Workspace Explorer.