Release Notes

Public Oct 01 2020


Windows - Plastic: Now you can use custom applications to open files in Differences and Code review!

In Plastic Preferences you configure custom "Open with..." options which then appear in the context menu for items in the Workspace explorer. We have now added the same options to the context menu in the diff and the Code review windows.


All platforms - Plastic: We improved the usability of the onboarding panel!

This affects the onboarding panel in Cloud Edition. When creating a workspace to work distributed, you had to either type the remote repository manually or browse it in a separate window. Now you can also choose from a list! The client fills this list with the available repositories from you organization(s).

Take a look at the before and the after!




Windows - Plastic, Gluon: The 'update' triggers now run when updating the workspace from the Incoming changes view!

Now, when you click "Update workspace" in the Incoming changes view, any before-update and after-update triggers will be run, just as if you did "Update workspace" from the Workspace explorer view.


All platforms - Command line client: There's a new flag to force detailed progress when redirecting output!

When you run cm update, switch or setselector, you get an animated progress bar in the console while the client updates your workspace.

Normally, if you redirected command output, we don't show the progress bar. But now you can force output of the progress bar by specifying --forcedetailedoutput.

For example:

cm update . --forcedetailedprogress > update.log


All platforms - GitSync: We fixed a 'git reference 0000..00' error

GitSync could fail with this error: 'The revision for the git reference 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 cannot be found'. It could happen when:

* The repository contains 2 folders, dirA and dirB, which have the same contents.

* dirA is added/copied during a merge operation.

This error depends on how Git handles the references to send the commit, during the fetch operation. So, even in the described case, the error does not always happen.