Release Notes

Public Jun 16 2020


All platforms - Logging: New option for daily rolling logger

We have added option MaxDays for the daily rolling file appender. It controls that log files of more than "MaxDays" days old will be deleted.

NOTE: this replaces the option MaxFileCount.

This improves the control over log file directory sizes for multi-instance servers. For multi-instance, several log files can be created each day. So, limiting the age of log files is more useful than limiting the number of log files.

Here is an example daily rolling file appender configuration:

 <appender name="DebugAppender" type="Codice.LogWrapper.DailyRollingFileAppender">
   <file type="log4net.Util.PatternString">
     <conversionPattern value="c:logsloader.debug.log.txt" />
   <maxDays value="7" />
   <preserveLogFileNameExtension value="true" />
   <appendToFile value="true" />
   <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
     <conversionPattern value="%date %thread %property{TransactionID} %property{ClientMachine} %-5level %logger - %message%newline" />


All platforms - Server: We keep improving Cloud 2!

We dramatically reduced the memory and time needed to upload and download blobs in our Cloud storage backend, which should result in a leaner server. Less RAM used in mundane tasks is more RAM the server can use to give you a better service!


All Platforms - Proxy (.NET Core flavor): We fixed some issues cleaning caches.

The .NET Core flavor of the proxy was always detecting 1GB of free space on disk. As a result, the cache was wrongly cleaned to free space. Now the proxy detects the correct free disk space.

Also, the Proxy was not loading the cached content on application startup. As a result, it did not clean some disk content until the cache was rebuilt hours later from the disk content. Now the cache gets loaded when it should!


Windows - Plastic: A minor fix to line highlighting in Code Review diff.

In the Code Review diff we were not clearing the line highlight when the mouse left the right text box. This was confusing because it would remain floating above the text even after you scrolled the view. We now clear the highlight correctly.


Windows - Gluon: We fixed a bug in Incoming Changes autorefresh.

If auth failed, or the server was unreachable, the Incoming Changes looped over and over because the autorefresh was trying to recalculate all the time. Fixed!