Release Notes

Public Jun 12 2020


Windows - Gluon: We improved autorefresh for Incoming Changes!

Now the Incoming Changes view doesn't refresh the view if it's not needed. The view is only autorefreshed when:

* Something has changed on disk in the workspace.

* There are new incoming changes in the working branch.


macOS - Plastic: We also improved autorefresh for Incoming Changes for Plastic in macOS!

The new stuff is basically the same as before. Only refreshing when something changed on disk, or there are new incoming changes in the working branch.


All platforms - Jira issue tracker extension: We fixed the connection failure for hosted Jira servers.

A fix we made in to handle email addresses in the "User name" field for Jira Cloud unfortunately broke hosted Jira servers (for which you specify the username, not the email address). We fixed that, and both types of Jira server will now work.


All platforms - Command line client: We fixed the clconfigureclient output for Cloud servers.

For Cloud servers, there is no need to specify a port when configuring the client. In this case we were accidentally appending ':' to the server name. Now we don't.


All platforms - Server: We fixed the issue that prevents the differences calculation process to end on really big repositories.

We used an 'int' (i.e. 32-bit) number to walk the merge changes (revisions that were modified during the merge operations). However, there are extremely big repositories (e.g. more than 117 million merge changes) that use numbers so big that they don't fit in an 'int' type. The fix was pretty simple: we ensured that we never use an 'int' to walk data.

We only used this type for data we didn't expect to grow too much. But our expectations were too naïve in this case!

Now we use a 'long' (i.e. 64-bit) number to walk all data types, not just the main ones.