Release Notes

Public May 26 2020


All platforms - Server (.NET Core flavor): the mergerules don't work in this version.

If you use the .NET Core flavor of the Plastic SCM server, please be aware that currently the mergerules do NOT work. It will get fixed ASAP, so if you depend on them, please abstain from upgrading your .NET Core server.

The regular server is not affected by this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience!


All platforms - Server: The "before-mkbranch" trigger correctly handles branch filters.

We corrected a branch filter matching issue for the "before-mkbranch" trigger. It was an issue for child branches.

For example, if you created this trigger

c:/mcga/trigger>cm trigger create before-mkbranch Mytrigger c:/triggers/beforemkbranch.bat --filter='rep:trigger,/main/*'
Trigger created on position 1.

Then, creating branch "/main/task" would not trigger the associated script. But now it does!

"after-mkbranch" did not have the same issue.


Windows - Plastic: We fixed a typo in the credentials dialog.

We were asking for "pasword" instead of "password" in the Cloud credentials dialog!


All platforms - Plastic: We fixed an issue when linking issue tracker items using the checkin comment.

If you have an issue tracking system setup, it is possible to link a checkin to task by setting the task id into the checkin comment, prefixed with a #. For example "#TASK-7: my comment".

This feature was temporarily broken, but we fixed it.