Release Notes
Public Nov 20 2019
macOS - Plastic: This release ( has a known bug in the Plastic GUI client for macOS.
When annotating a file, the annotate history navigation buttons are always enabled, even if they shouldn't.
This causes an exception when navigating before the first annotate, or after the last one.
If you encounter this issue, to close the annotate sub-view just launch a new annotate or browse the history of any file.
This issue will be addressed in the next public release.
All platforms - Server: We added triggers for object removal events!
The goal is that you can set-up scripts to run automatically before and/or after objects are deleted. The objects handled are branches, changesets, labels and attributes. This is the complete list of new triggers:
* before-rmchangeset
* after-rmchangeset
* before-rmbranch
* after-rmbranch
* before-rmlabel
* after-rmlabel
* before-rmattribute
* after-rmattribute
The Plastic trigger mechanism sets environment variables whose values you can use in your script.
For branch deletions, use the trigger type rmbranch. It sets the following:
* PLASTIC_BRANCH_NAME: The name of the branch
* PLASTIC_FULL_BRANCH_NAME: Name including parent
For changeset deletions, use the trigger type rmchangeset. It sets the following:
* PLASTIC_BRANCH_NAME: The name of the branch
* PLASTIC_CHANGESET_NUMBER: Number of the deleted changeset
* PLASTIC_CHANGESET_OWNER: Owner of the changeset
For label deletions, use the trigger type rmlabel. It sets the following:
* PLASTIC_BRANCH_NAME: The name of the branch
* PLASTIC_CHANGESET_NUMBER: Number of the labelled changeset
* PLASTIC_CHANGESET_OWNER: Owner of the labelled changeset
* PLASTIC_LABEL_NAME: The name of the label
For attribute deletions, use the trigger type rmattribute. It sets the following:
* PLASTIC_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: The name of the attribute
Additionally, all the new trigger types set the following variables:
* PLASTIC_USER: The current user name
* PLASTIC_SERVER: Server address
* PLASTIC_REPOSITORY_ID: The repository id
* PLASTIC_REPOSITORY_NAME: The repository name
* PLASTIC_COMMENT: The object's comment
Windows, macOS - Plastic: We improved how the Merge View displays the controlled errors. Before it did so using modal alerts. Now the errors are in a text view.
macOS - Plastic: If there was an error refreshing the Pending Changes or the Merge views, it appeared over and over. Now it's fixed!
Windows - Plastic: The Merge View's error messages had a wrong background color. Now it's fixed!
Windows - Plastic (Cloud Edition): The Welcome dialog didn't look good in screens with DPI scaling enabled. Now it's fixed!
Windows - Plastic: When there are no comments to show in a Code Review, we showed a message... that was not in perfect English. Now it's fixed!
All platforms - Plastic: The Incoming Changes notification didn't appear if you had pending merge conflicts to resolve. Now it's fixed!
Imagine the following scenario:
* You are working with other teammates in the same branch.
* You changed two files: foo.c and bar.c. The Incoming changes notification will appear, warning about conflicts in those two files.
* You open the Incoming Changes view and resolve only one file. Then you close the Plastic GUI.
* When you reopen Plastic, you can't see the Incoming Changes notification. Now it's fixed!
Linux - Plastic: Fixed an issue where navigating rapidly through the annotations of an item and its parents could cause an unexpected error.