Release Notes

Public Nov 05 2018


Mergetool: The Mergetool comparison method 'Recognize all' failed when there was a conflict at the end of the file in the following scenario:

When the last two lines of any contributor were an empty line (just the LF '\\n' char) followed by a line with no EOL char.


On a Linux client working against the Cloud, the checkin operation was failing during the upload step due to a memory leak when thousands of files were uploaded.

The problem was a Mono issue related to the connection limit, which is avoided.

We also improve the memory usage during the update phase adding some buffer pools and avoiding some objects creation.


Client: Server Alias: serveralias.conf supports now aliases to Cloud repos:

localhost:8087 my_org@cloud

This might be useful if you are migrating your on-premise server to the Cloud and you have writable Xlinks that are not configured to use a relative server. In that scenario, those Xlinks couldn't be resolved in the Cloud because the target repository wouldn't be found.

You can work around that if you add an alias to translate your on-premise server (locahost:8087) into your cloud server (my_org@cloud) when Plastic resolves the Xlinks.