Release Notes

Public Oct 30 2018


WebUI: We improved the styling of the dropdown filter in the Items View!


We now tell the user how to view the help if they attempt to run the binmergetool utility with no arguments.


DevOps: TrunkBot is now capable of labeling the resulting changesets of merging task branches into trunk branch. The 'Learn More' section of TrunkBot has been updated with a full description of this feature.

Two variables can be used in your label pattern for this purpose:

*${BUILD_DATE_FORMATTED, <a_valid_date_format>}

It will substitute the variable with the current date specified in the a_valid_date_format string. See example below:

Release_1.0_${BUILD_DATE_FORMATTED, yyyy-MM-dd}

pattern will generate a label name like: Release_1.0_2018_10_25


It will substitute the variable by the next number, having a previously existing label match in the repository. If there are no labels matching the specified pattern, the variable will be replaced by a 0. See the example below:


will cause TrunkBot to find a previously existing label matching that pattern. If a label is found that way (e.g. Release_1.3.15), TrunkBot will create a new label named Release_1.3.16


DevOps: TrunkBot is now capable of running a different continuous integration build plans after a task branch is checked-in in the trunk branch. This is useful to deploy the merged code after check-in.


Server: DevOps: protect the load of the DevOps UI in the webadmin in case that the websocket to communicate with plugs can't be started.


Server: DevOps: The built-in trunkbot naming was not consistent. Sometimes it said Trunk bot, others TrunkBot. We made it consistent.


Greatly improved the help of the cm showfindobjects command. Now it really helps you doing finds with examples and in-depth explanations.


Linux CLI: We fixed an issue in newer distros (OpenSUSE Leap 15 and Ubuntu 18.10 among others) that caused CLI commands to crash when they had to output text to the terminal.


CLI: The command 'cm checkout' is now updated: the 'exclusive' flag is removed.

CLI: The command 'cm unco' (also, 'cm undocheckout') was correctly updated in the Spanish version of the command line help.