Release Notes

Public Apr 13 2018


Gluon: New cm partial switch command allows to change the working branch of the workspace as long as there aren't local changes.

Check cm partial switch --help for more info.


Unity plugin: improved the checkout warning including a summary message to show the info related to the locked items. Now, the warning message can be easily read in the bottom bar.

(e.g: "PlasticSCM: Checkout: Unable to checkout Scene1.unity (locked by tester), BehaviourScript.cs (locked by validator)")


The cm mkwk command shows the usage and does nothing if it is not correctly invoked (for example, if we specify repo@server:8087 instead of --repository=repo@server:8087).


The server-side merge operation failed if the source contributor had deleted an item and a Xlink was added in the same path. Now it's fixed.