Release Notes

Public Mar 31 2017


Windows, Linux (GTK) and Mac OS GUIs: Now, the Plastic SCM GUI will measure the performance while looking for pending changes on your workspace. If the GUI detects that the performance of the operation is not as good as expected, depending on the cause, it will give you advice on how to improve it.


CLI tools: Now, the cm CLI tool will measure the performance of the status operation. If it detects that the performance of the operation is not as good as expected, depending on the cause, it will give you advices about how to improve it (except if the --machinereadable or --xml flags are set).


Configuration files: the performance warnings can be enabled through the client.conf file, adding the following key:



Linux (GTK) and Mac OS GUIs: The changesets view context menu includes a new option: "Diff with another changeset". It enables users to select a changeset in a context dialog and diff its contents with the selected changeset. This menu option is also available in the Branch Explorer when a single changeset is selected.


Linux (GTK) and Mac OS GUIs: The branches view context menu includes a new option: "Diff with another branch". It enables users to select a branch in a context dialog and diff its contents with the selected branch. This menu option is also available in the Branch Explorer when a single branch is selected.


Linux (GTK) and Mac OS GUIs: Changing the display options or the date filter in the Branch Explorer view of a workspace window caused the rest of the workspace windows to load that configuration without notice or updating the GUI controls. Fixed.


Cloud and Jet: Checkin operation with 'added' items and 'keep items locked' preference enabled failed. Now it's fixed.


The P4 sync was failing with directories with the FileSystem permissions changed. Fixed.