Release Notes

Public Mar 29 2017


Bamboo plugin: Queries for changes in the first builds of each new plan will return an empty set. The improvement in the build time of that particular case is specially remarkable when creating a new plan for an existing repository with a long history (thousands of changesets).


Linux: The GPG keys used to sign the repositories have been updated, as they reached their expiration date. If you use a Debian-based distro, please run the following command to update your local apt-key list:

wget${DIST_NAME}/Release.key -O - | sudo apt-key add -
wget${DIST_NAME}/Release.key -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Replace ${DIST_NAME} with the distro name that applies to your current system: Debian_6.0, Debian_8.1 or Ubuntu_14.04.


GoCD plugin: A new Plastic SCM plugin is available for GoCD. It allows Plastic SCM to be set up as a pipeline material.


Since BL808 (6.0) the listlocks command was complaining that the user didn't have view permissions. The server was checking view permissions on the server instead of the repo. Fixed.


Visual Studio integration: Fixed an error when open a project from Plastic SCM.


TeamCity plugin: The build patch operation of server-side checkouts was building incorrect patches when there were moved or deleted changes. Fixed.


Jet backend: When a checkin operation failed and couldn't be completed, the next checkin operations on the same branch failed with the error 'The object is currently locked. Try later...'. Fixed.