Release Notes

Public Jul 05 2016


Add operation: The 'add' operation has been improved, up to 2x faster than previous release.


Cloud: The perfomance of 'differences' operation has been reviewed and improved.


Cloud: When a user is member of multiple organizations, the groups membership for that user were wrongly calculated. Fixed.


License reload has been improved. Auto-renewal licences installed with token were not reloaded on server startup. It means that if you added 3 users to your Team Edition, you had to wait a few hours for the server to reload the new lic. Now the server detects the change on startup, so a quick server restart will enable the 3 new users to start working.


Linux (GTK) GUI and Mac OS GUI: Added context menu for 'checkout changeset' on 'branch explorer' view (dotted line changesets).


Linux (GTK) GUI and Mac OS GUI: The 'pending changes' view now allows multiple items to be checked/unchecked by clicking one of the checkboxes in the selected rows.


Linux (GTK) GUI: The 'pending changes' view now allows the space bar to be used to activate/deactivate all the checkboxes in the selected rows.


Linux (GTK) GUI: The 'Workspace Explorer' view now allows multiple items to be opened at once by selecting several rows and hitting the 'Enter' key.


Security: Update-merge failed with checkouts (co/add/rm/mv) under a path where the user lost "read" permission. Now the case is better handled and the following error is returned: "The merge cannot be done because some local changes cannot be processed. Most likely, you don’t have the proper permissions to make changes in some of the paths involved. Check the server log for more information."


* It happens when you download code to /src/project, and then later the admin revokes access to this directory but you already had checkouts inside.

* Update-merge happens when you are on a branch, you have checkouts, you update to latest, and your checkouts are simply moved to latest using a merge under the hood.

* Previously the error message was something like "item 12386 could not be found in the tree. The new tree cannot be built").