Release Notes
Public Mar 10 2016
Windows GUI: Now it is possible to diff selected chunks of text. To do that:
1. Select the first text chunk from a 'diff viewer' textbox (pending changes view, diff window, merge window...).
2. Choose 'Add diff selection' option in the context menu.
3. Select another chunk of text and choose 'Diff with previous selection' option in the context menu.
An external diff tool will raise showing the diffs of the selected text chunks.
Gluon: Now, a warning message is shown if the communication with the issue tracker system detects an error when submitting the checkin data log.
Linux (GTK) GUI and Mac OS GUI: New 'Size' column added to the 'History' view. The column is only shown for file revisions.
Mergetool: When the merge window is displayed, the tool now navigates automatically to the first manual confict. If there are no manual conficts, the tool navigates to the first automatic confict, if any.
Mergetool Linux: 'search' feature is now available! Just click on the 'Find...' button located at the toolbar, or press Ctrl + F after focusing on any contributor's textbox.
Mac OS GUI: The 'Pending changes' view will now display a side panel to link the new changeset to issue tracker tasks. It is required to have an issue tracker extension configured to 'bind issues to Plastic changesets' mode.
How to configure issue trackers on Linux: There are two options:
1) Using global configuration -
2) Manually editing the issue tracker configuration, an example using our internal issue tracking system (please note it will be different for JIRA, but you get the idea)
The config is at .plastic4/issuetrackers/yourserver_port/allrepos/configfile.conf
Example:/Users/pablo/.plastic4/issuetrackers/, and the file contents are as follows:
WorkingMode=TaskOnChangeset Name=TTS host;;Type=Host;IsGlobal=False Name=User;Value=pablo;Type=User;IsGlobal=False Name=Password;Value=|SoC|veryencrypted;Type=Password;IsGlobal=False Name=Branch prefix;Value=scm;Type=BranchPrefix;IsGlobal=False Name=View defect URL;Value={0};Type=Text;IsGlobal=False
Finally, you have to edit the .plastic4/client.conf file to bind Plastic SCM to the configured issue tracker system. To do that, open the file and add the following contents as an example:
<Extensions> <Extension AssemblyFile="/Applications/" /> </Extensions>
Mac OS GUI: The 'Create branch' dialog has been completely refurbished. It offers users the possibility to select a pending task from the configured issue tracker to automatically fill in the branch name and comments text fields. Additionally, a request can be sent to the issue tracker to mark the selected task as 'opened'.
JIRA extension: The 'mark task as open in issue tracker' functionality is now compatible with JIRA >= 7.x.
Unity 3D plugin: Fixed path printing in windows when configuring the working path the first time a project is binded to Plastic SCM as VCS system.
Linux (GTK) GUI and Mac OS GUI: If Plastic was configured to use an issue tracker extension in 'Task On Changeset' mode, double clicking the tasks list to add a task to the new changeset didn't properly solve JIRA issue IDs. Fixed.