Release Notes

Public Dec 23 2015


MergeTool Windows: MergeTool (xmerge!) gets a new look to get ready for 2016! We have improved the overall look and feel of the tool.

Now conflicts are clearly highlighted, conflict navigation buttons change color depending on the status and in general everything looks much better. The same tool, but lots of small details changed here and there to make it better than ever.


MergeTool Mac OS: Mac Mergetool is out! The native mergetool for Mac (Cocoa based) has been released! No need to continue using an external tool to deal with manual merges on Mac, you can finally switch to the familiar Plastic merge style. It is the first release of the tool and there are still things to improve, but it is already usable.

The Mac MergeTool is bundled together with Mac Plastic SCM installer package, and the GUI allows to choose the new MacMergeTool as the default tool in the preferences dialog (which will be the default option on fresh installations indeed).

While the new tool is fully functional, there are some small remarks and limitations to keep in mind:

* Xmerge (tracking moved code feature) is still not available.

* Line numbers and Syntax hightlight not available yet.

* No shortcuts for conflicts navigation yet.

* Some options are still missing: you can’t change the comparison method or encoding. The comparison method is set to 'recognize all' by default, which means it won’t ignore EOLs & whitespaces.

* Failed to merge files with a single byte encoding that has non-ASCII characters (System.Text.DecoderFallbackException). The workaround for this issue is setting the file encoding to UTF-8. (This issue also affects to Linux GTK MergeTool).

These limitations will be addressed in new upcoming releases.


Windows GUI: New Christmas greetings 'About' dialog.