Release Notes

Public Dec 17 2015


TeamCity plugin: Automatic checkout on agent is now supported.

REMARK: Path-mapping checkout rules (e.g. +:mypath => mypath/is/now/mapped) are not currently supported!


Linux GUI (GTK) and Mac OS GUI: Requesting encrypted data from cloud server will now prompt the user to enter the encryption key (if there is no previously configured encryption key for that server).


Eclipse plugin: Implemented a new diff view in eclipse. This view is displayed after executing the following actions:

From branch explorer:

* right click + diff changeset (or double click in a changeset)

* right click + diff branch (or double click in a branch)

* select two changesets -> right click -> Diff selected changesets

From Eclipse package explorer (Note that, if the selected resource in Package Explorer is a single file resource, the 'Compare with' option just show single file differences. Otherwise, the 'Compare with' option will show selected and children resources).

* right click on resource -> Compare with -> Previous version. This option compares the working changeset with the previous one.

* right click on resource -> Compare with -> Changeset... This option compares the working changeset with the selected one.

* right click on resource -> Compare with -> Label... This option compares the working changeset with the changeset the label belongs to.

IMPORTANT REMARK: The diff view view doesn't show pending changes on workspace. It just compare two server trees. In order to see changes in workspace, use the 'Pending changes' view instead.


Gluon: The cloud encryption password was not requested to the user when the Gluon UI was started in configuration mode (first run or using the '--configure' argument). Fixed.