Release Notes

Public Nov 06 2015


Linux GUI (GTK): Improved 'Diff' window performance when there are a large number of rows. Loading, sorting and filtering now perform faster.


Linux GUI (GTK): 'Diff' window: The 'Filesystem permission changes' category has been added to the 'Diff' categories.


Linux GUI (GTK): Changed the mouse wheel behavior in 'Branch Explorer' view. Now, the Linux GUI has the same bahavior as the Windows GUI:

* "Mouse wheel" -> horizontal scroll.

* "Ctrl + mouse wheel" -> zoom.

* "Shift + mouse wheel" -> vertical scroll.


Linux GUI (GTK) and Mac OS GUI: New 'Options' button added to the embedded 'Diff' views. New supported actions are the following:

* change the comparison method (Ignore EOL's, whitespaces or recognize all).

* manually set the target character encoding for each side.

* manually set the syntax highlight (Linux GTK GUI only).


SSL channel: The way to accept and install SSL certificates on the Plastic server from the client side has been improved (works only for admins):

1- Now the client side accept certificate options will be available on the server: add to the store and accept without installing.

2- When a certificate is already installed on the client (manually or by a previous client execution), no user intervention will be needed to accept it on the server.

3- A concurrency issue has been fixed: the same server certificate accepted by different clients concurrently.


Cloud Server: several core improvements to increase performance in security checks when the database is on a separate server. It will also help regular setups with separate server. A full refactor of the security caches was done. Queries of branches and labels should be noticeable much faster (security check on the test env went down from 500ms to only 32ms).


Windows GUI: SemanticSCM: Fixed an error when the files cannot be parsed. Now, an informative message is shown and the text-based differences are automatically calculated.


Linux GUI (GTK) and Mac OS GUI: Opening the 'Items' view when the remote server is not reachable (or invalid credentials were set) resulted in a large number of dialogs being displayed (one dialog per different item revision's branch). Fixed. Now, only a dialog per different repository will be displayed.


Linux GUI (GTK): The filter was causing inconsistencies in the visualization when the 'Pending changes' view was showing more than one category (changed, added, moved, deleted, ...). Fixed.


Bamboo plugin: Setting up several external agents on the same machine lead to duplicate workspace names. This has been fixed by appending a random UUID to each workspace name.


Server: Pushing data to Cloud Server (or an encrypted server) without encryption settings failed to ask for the password and raised an error. It is fixed now and it correctly asks for credentials.


Windows GUI: The 'Item' -> 'Diff' -> 'Diff revisions' dialog was failing with an 'Incorrect object specification' error when typing a changeset number instead of selecting it on the item history dialog. Fixed. Now, the changeset number is not editable and the user must select the changeset from the list of available changesets in the history.