Release Notes

Public Sep 15 2015


Windows GUI: Now it is possible to save changes using Ctrl + S keyboard shortcut in editable 'diff' viewers.


REST API: Added 'revision history' feature. Please have a look at the API documentation for further information.


Command Line Interface: Improved command help output for lrep and lwk commands.


Windows GUI: SemanticSCM: Built-in semantic diff in the cset/branch diff has a new 'skip format changes' option. It's a toggle button that allows to ignore indentation and EOL changes when the semantic differences are calculated.


Gluon: Workspace Explorer view: some item icons from the 'Workspace Explorer' view were changed. Locked items are now displayed with a different icon and color.


Gluon: Checkin operation: Now it is possible to finish a checkin operation submitting non-conflicting local changes and discarding local changes in conflict with server changes (which are reported by the checkin operation).

Previously, when any local change was in conflict with server changes, the entire checkin operation was cancelled.


Server: Now the client is able to work against an encrypted server. Previously only replication operations could be performed against an encrypted server.

The client will decrypt the data during the download operation and encrypt them on the checkin operation.

The encryption is configured on the same way than on the servers working against an encrypted server.

The encryption is configured using the 'cryptedservers.conf' file. This file contains server - encryption file pairs. The encryption/decryption is performed when uploading/downloading data and the targeted server is included in 'cryptedservers.conf' file.

'cryptedservers.conf' file example:

delta:8085 delta.key
morgan:8084 mrg.key

The encryption file contains the encryption method and password (see example below).


AES128 |SoC|ictrT7pgBSRDJ1m7nOlj96NTl0I23jI7T6K6ADf5X3ry0sDe0InYkOdmyLcpdnX5PzoD5yCphkw=


AES128 cleanpassword

Supported encryption methods are: AES128, AES192 and AES256. Password can be either plain text or cyphered as any other password in Plastic SCM (using the cm crypt command).


Issue trackers: Polarion: Included the new issue tracker plugin for Polarion ALM. This way, 'Branch explorer', 'Changesets' and 'Branches' views are now able to display issue tracking information from Polarion.

The new issue tracker extension for Polarion can be configured through 'Preferences' > 'Issue Tracking' dialog.


Linux GUI & Mac GUI: The checkin results are now logged into the issue tracker's tasks if an issue tracker extension is properly configured.


Server: Windows installer: Now, the default backend for new Plastic SCM Server installations will be set to SQLite (instead of SQLServer CE).

Remember that SQLite 3.8 was already supported by Plastic SCM Server, including WAL (Write-Ahead Logging). WAL enables SQLite backend users to avoid locking when multiple threads try to read simultaneously from the database.


Security: Fixed an 'unhandled exception' error when trying to set an ACL for a revision identifier (it's not supported to set acl's for revisions, but the command was failing after showing an informative message).


All application icons were wrongly (blurry) displayed in the Windows task manager. Now they are correctly displayed.


GitSync: Pushing changes to GitHub resulted in a 'Stream terminated early' error, even if all changes were correctly pushed. Fixed.


Server: The server applications 'umtoolgui' and 'admintool' had an incorrect layout in high DPI screens. The issue is now fixed, and these applications are correcly displayed.


Windows GUI: SemanticSCM: Fix a "null reference" error when the files cannot be parsed. Now, a message is shown and the text-based differences are calculated automatically.


Windows GUI: SemanticSCM: The Microsoft C Runtime 2013 dependencies, which are required by the C language parser, were missing. Fixed. Now, they are included in the client installer.


Windows GUI: Comments were not properly refreshed on the 'Items', 'Branches', 'Changesets' and 'Shelves' views after editing and saving them. This issue has been fixed.


Windows GUI: Working with I3 (old school theme), all scrollable views did not scroll using the mouse wheel. The scrollbar did scroll, but the content didn't. Not it's fixed.


Windows GUI: 'Diff with previous revision' is now the default action to execute when double-clicking a revision in the 'History' view.


Windows GUI: The action bars in the diff viewer were not drawed after changing from semantic differences to textual differences. Now it's fixed.


TeamCity plugin: The plugin failed to poll changesets after a Plastic SCM server address/port change or a repository rename. This issue was partially fixed in version, but was still failing in some configurations. Now it's fully fixed.


Linux GUI (GTK GUI): The side-by-side diff viewer's dependencies were missing. Fixed. Now they are included in the client's '.zip binaries' installer.


Linux GUI (GTK GUI): Category titles in the 'Diff' window and 'Pending changes' view were not properly refreshed after applying a filter. Fixed.


Linux GUI (GTK GUI): The 'Diff' window was displaying incorrect category icons for merged revisions. Fixed.


'Revert-to' operation: When reverting to a revision that was previously reverted, an error was thrown. Fixed. Now it is possible to revert to a revision several times without undoing changes between revert operations.