Release Notes

Public Mar 17 2015


Triggers: Web triggers are now available. The script path value will be interpreted as an URI endpoint if it's preceded by the 'webtrigger ' string (mind the whitespace!). That endpoint will receive POST requests whenever the trigger is executed. The request body will be a JSON dictionary containing the trigger variables. Additionally, the standard input data will appear as an array under the 'INPUT' dictionary key.

For example, a web trigger can be created this way:

cm maketrigger after-checkin "Notify team" "webtrigger"

A request body example of that trigger would be as follows:


 "PLASTIC_CHANGESET": "cs:2341@br:/main/",
 "PLASTIC_COMMENT": "Fixing command line parsing",
 "PLASTIC_USER": "dev1",
 "INPUT": [ "CH "/src/main.c" FILE" ]


Notice that once the web trigger is created, updating it (using the 'changetrigger' command) will interpret the '--script' parameter value as the 'maketrigger' command would.

For further information, please take a look at the 'maketrigger' and 'changetrigger' commands help.


GTK GUI: The GTK GUI application is now included in the legacy linux-client zip installer.


Annotate: Fixed an issue that made the annotate operation to do not end sucessfully and waste CPU.

The issue could be reproduced when launching the 'annotate' operation of certain items where the 'item-merge-tracking' info was wrongly stored (the initial versions of the 'item-merge-tracking' feature stored the merge info of a 'keep-destination' conflict resolution for a merged file in a wrong way).