Release Notes

Internal Nov 10 2014


Added new End Of Line (EOL) conversion mechanism.

The Plastic client now implements a EOL conversion mechanism capable of transforming the different end of lines of text into the right one for the local system.

This feature is useful for teams working on different operating systems with editors and IDEs that can't handle correctly (or complain) files with different EOL types.

EOL conversion only works for text files.

There are two ways to enable EOL conversion (it is disabled by default):

1) Editing client.conf and adding the new AutoEolConversion key:


The valid values are: None (the default), Auto (converts based on the OS), CR, LF, CRLF.

2) Creating a file named eolconversion.conf. This way it is possible to define the EOL conversion based on the file extension as follows:

cr .cpp, .pas
lf .c
crlf .h

The valid "conversion types" are None, Auto, CR, LF and CRLF.

If an extension is not defined in the eolconversion.conf, it will use the general conversion type configured in the client.conf file.

How EOL conversion works:

* EOL conversion will be used not only during update but also each time a file is retrieved from the workspace (diff, cat, annotate).

* EOL conversion only works while downloading files. Checkin always preserve the content created by the user.

Remarks: it is recommended to start with a clean workspace to start using EOL conversion.

* Updating an existing workspace won't rewrite unchanged files even if they need EOL conversion. Only new files being downloaded will be converted.

* If you have a file checked out and then you change the EOL configuration, then diff with previous can display differences in EOLs.

* Remember to restart the GUI after changing the EOL conversion settings (client.conf won't be reloaded otherwise).