Release Notes

Public Sep 04 2014


GameUI: Added the 'checkout recursively' option to the context menu of the workspace explorer view.


GameUI: Unavailable xlinks are now properly handled in the GameUI. (An unavailable xlink could be a xlink whose target changeset has not been replicated to the working server). Some common scenarios are described below:

* The 'checkin' operation doesn’t allow to submit changes inside an unresolved xlink. The operation will warn about this, and the operation will not be performed.

* The item status on the 'workspace explorer' view shows information about unresolved xlinks and files inside them.

* The 'configuration' view shows if an xlink cannot be resolved on the server configuration as well.

* The 'update' operation warns about unresolved xlinks.


GameUI: Now, an xlink can be deleted. Previously, the 'checkin' operation was not handling deleted xlinks.


GameUI: Now, the GameUI supports writable xlinks not pointing to the head changeset on the targeted branch.


Merge: From now on, the 'merge' operation supports changes inside 'delete' transformer rule types. The deleted items involved are restored in order to apply changes from the merge operation.


GUI: Repository browser views: Now, the 'Preview' button is available on these kind of views, so that users are able to preview the items shown in this view. The information provided is limited, since the items shown in this view are not loaded in the workspace. Thus, the information available for regular files is their size; in the case of images the resolution and dimensions information is shown along with the file size.


GUI: The key combinations: Shift+End, Shift+Home, Shift+PageUp and Shift+PageDown were disabled, so users weren't able to navigate across some views using these combinations. Fixed.


Triggers: The behavior of the system when an 'after-(operation)' trigger fails has been reviewed, so that the views and operations involved finish gracefully, showing the results of the operation along with the error message associated with the faulty trigger.


* If an 'after-setselector' trigger fails, then the 'update' operation that comes next is not run, since the setselector failed.

* If an 'after-mkbranch' trigger fails, then the 'switch to branch' operation is not run, since the mkbranch failed. (This scenario is only valid if the user selected the 'switch workspace to this branch after creating the branch' option).

* If an 'after-mkreview' trigger fails, then the review is not opened (if the user selected the option to do that), since the 'mkreview' operation failed.



GameUI: The traffic between the GameUI and Plastic SCM server has been shrunk. Now, the GameUI reuses the loaded workspace tree and only requests the differences between the loaded tree and the requested tree.