Release Notes

Public May 14 2014


CLI: 'cm fileinfo' command is now available. It displays detailed information regarding a controlled item in the workspace. Additional documentation and examples can be found executing the 'cm help fileinfo' command.


Now, the listlocks command shows the user name instead of the SID.


When the listlocks command is used with the --onlycurrentuser option on an authentication mode that uses SID, no lock was returned, although the current user had locked items. Fixed.


Command line client: The 'cm find revs' command was printing unexpected paths in the result with certain 'where' clause filters. Fixed.


cm ls: XML output formatting reviewed; removed unuseful information, replaced the ItemType node by Type and added a new Status field that specifies whether the node is Controlled or Private. Now, every LsItem displays the same fields, no matter whether it is controlled or private.


Visual Studio 2013 / 2013 Package: The installer was not checking whether Visual Studio was running during a Plastic SCM upgrade; therefore the VSIX installation might fail because the installer could not replace the old dlls with the new ones. Fixed.