Release Notes

Internal May 09 2014


Added a new client-side configuration file, named 'compression.conf', which enables a custom configuration of the compression method used to store the new revision of a file in the database.

Currenty there are two tipes of compression methods supported:

* none

* zip

Each line of the 'compression.conf' file will define a compression type followed by a whitespace ' ', and a rule to match with the file path.


    --- compression.conf --
    none .jpg               
    zip .txt                

The default compression type is 'zip'.

There are 4 types of rules that can be specified, and the order of application is the following:

1.- File path rule

2.- File name rule

3.- File extension rule

4.- Wildcard rule


    1.- /dir/foo.png
    2.- foo.png
    3.- .png
    4.- /**/foo*.???

If a file path matches with a path rule, the matching rule compression type will be used. Otherwise, PlasticSCM will try to match the file path with the next kind of rule.

The 'compression.conf' file can be defined in the following locations:

* Root of the workspace (it will be valid only for that workspace).

* User config folder (usually '\Users\AppData\Local\plastic4' or '$HOME/.plastic4' ) (it will be apply for all workspaces).

If both files exist, their rules will be combined.