Release Notes

Public Jun 23 2022


Command-line client: Partial checkin allows --private option

Previously, it was not possible to use --private option in a partial checkin command. Now it is available and ready to use.

For instance:

c:\wkspaces\partialwk> echo "return 1;" > foo.c
c:\wkspaces\partialwk> cm partial ci --private
The selected items are about to be checked in. Please wait ...
| Confirming checkin operation 11 bytes/11 bytes [################################] 100 %Modified c:\wkspaces\partialwk
Added c:\wkspaces\partialwk\foo.c
Created changeset cs:1@br:/main@repo1@localhost:8084 (mount:'/')

For more examples, you can check the help:

cm partial checkin --help


Command-line client: Shelvesets can be applied to partial workspaces

Previously, it was not possible to apply a shelveset in partial workspaces (such as Gluon workspaces). Now we fully allow them (from the creation to the application).

c:\wkspaces\partialwk> cm partial shelveset apply sh:2

The apply operation tries to apply all the shelveset changes in the workspace if possible. However, changes can be skipped if they are related to items that are not configured in the workspace (they are silently ignored) or if they collide with local workspace changes (they are properly reported)

c:\wkspaces\partialwk> cm partial shelveset apply sh:2
The item won't be downloaded/moved because there is another item loaded in the same path: 'asset/texture/forest'. Please unload the item and retry the operation.

For more examples, you can check the help:

cm partial shelveset apply --help


Windows - Plastic: Enable changelists for locally modified files

You can now move locally modified (changed, moved, deleted) files into user-defined changelists.


All platforms - PlasticX, GluonX: Enable changelists for locally modified files

You can now move locally modified (changed, moved, deleted) files into user-defined changelists.


All platforms - Command line client: Server connection profiles management reaches the command line!

We added the new cm profile command. It has three subcommands that allow you to manage your server connection profiles from the command line client.

The command 'profile list' lists the connection profiles you have configured:

$ cm profile list
1       sergio  UPWorkingMode
2  udt://development_org@localhost:8089  sergio  UPWorkingMode
3      sluisp  LDAPWorkingMode

The 'profile list' command has several formatting options. Check cm profile list --help for further information.

The command 'profile remove' helps you to remove a configured connection profile. It works by specifying the profile index provided by cm profile list:

$ cm profile remove 2

And 'profile create' helps you to create a new connection profile, either interactively or specifying all the necessary information through options:

$ cm profile create
Enter server address:
Enter credentials to connect to server []
User: sluisp
Password: *****************
Profile '' correctly created

Check cm profile create --help for further information about the options you can use to create profiles.


Windows - PlasticX: PlasticX is now the official GUI on Windows

When you perform a clean installation of Plastic on a Windows machine, PlasticX will be the default GUI to open after the installation. Also, plastic links will be handled with this GUI.

When upgrading from a previous version, the last used GUI will still be the one that opens when running the Plastic executable


All platforms - PlasticX: Case insensitive filter on home view

On the home view, the repository and workspaces filter are now case insensitive


All platforms - PlasticX, GluonX: Unified Open Menu options in applications

We unified Open Menu right click context menu behavior across all views in PlasticX and GluonX


All platforms - PlasticX: Changes in changeset comments

In the "changeset by changeset" mode for the diff and the code review windows, if a changeset comment started with an empty line you couldn't see it in the changeset list. We fixed it.



Also, we improved this panel, now more text will be shown in the changeset names Panel


All platforms - GluonX: Save details panel user preferences

GluonX will remember the following settings about the details panel for the Workspace Explorer view and the Checkin view, giving the user more personalization

*Details Panel visibility

*Details Panel width

*Preview Image height

*Properties Height

*History Height

*Comments height

Also, if no user preference is found, this panel will be visible by default.


All platforms - Web UI: Fix issue with directories with hashes in them

You are now able to navigate into and view files inside directories that contain hashes in their name.


All platforms - Plastic, PlasticX, Gluon: No profiles led to workspace metadata corrupted when co private files

If no profiles were set up, when doing a checkout operation on a private item (add the item) from the Pending Changes view, there was no "owner" of the revision. That caused metadata to become corrupted and, after restarting the GUI, made everything in the workspace appear as private. Now it is fixed.


All platforms - GluonX: Search files dialog unexpected error message

In GluonX, when pressing spacebar key in the search files dialog not in configuration mode, a "unexpected error has occurred" message appeared, we fixed this issue


macOS - PlasticX: Fixed library not found issue when loading extensions

There were some issue tracker extensions that could not be loaded on PlasticX because of an issue with dynamic libraries. The affected extensions were jira, codebeamer and ontime

We fixed this issue and now you can load the extensions in the same way as in the legacy GUI


All platforms - PlasticX, GluonX: Corrected display of recent comments containing underscores

We fixed an issue where comments containing underscore characters were not displayed correctly in the list of recent comments in the Pending Changes and Check-in views of PlasticX and GluonX respectively.


All platforms - PlasticX: Fixed repeated display of permissions warning in Branch Explorer

Users without the "applyattr" permission would get an error dialog informing them to the fact every time they clicked on any object in the branch explorer.

We moved this intrusive error message to the Attributes panel in the Branch Explorer options side panel.

Here is the text in a dialog:

And here is the text in the Attributes panel:


All platforms - PlasticX: Fixed code review plastic links

There was an issue when trying to open code review plastic links with PlasticX, where the GUI just didn't show the code review. This bug was introduced in the last release due to a conflict with another task. The issue is now fixed, and now you can open code review plastic links as before