Release Notes

Public Jun 15 2022


Command-line client: Shelvesets can be created from partial workspaces

Previously, it was not possible to perform a shelve operation in partial workspaces (such as Gluon workspaces). Now we are about to fully support shelves in partial workspaces, and we started with the creation of shelves.

Note that cm partial shelveset apply and cm partial shelveset delete subcommands are coming up.

Now it is possible to create a partial shelveset of foo.c

c:\wkspaces\partialwk> cm partial shelveset create foo.c

The selected items are about to be shelved. Please wait ...
| Confirming checkin operation 11 bytes/11 bytes [################################] 100 %
Modified c:\wkspaces\partialwk
Added c:\wkspaces\partialwk\foo.c
Created shelve sh:2@wk@localhost:8084 (mount:'/')

With the shelveset created, now we could apply it seamlessly to a regular workspace targeting the same repo:

c:\wkspaces\regularwk> cm shelveset apply sh:2

The item /foo.c#sh:2 has been added on source and will be added as result of the merge
Merging c:\wkspaces\regularwk\foo.c
The revision c:\wkspaces\regularwk\foo.c@sh:2 has been loaded

The creation subcommand (create | mk) is the default operation, so bear in mind that, if no subcommand is specified, it will try to perform the creation of a new shelveset.

For more examples, you can check the help:

cm partial shelveset --help

cm partial shelveset create --help


All platforms - Plastic: Added support for legacy plastic links

Some time ago we introduced the plastic links feature, which lets you click on links to directly open diffs or code reviews. A plastic link looks like the following:


Before this new feature, we already had another, more limited implementation of plastic links, that looked like the following:


The latter was deprecated, and new versions of Plastic could not handle the old format.

We fixed this issue, and now you can open both legacy and new plastic links seamlessly


All platforms - Bamboo plugin: New plugin for Bamboo 8 is available!

We released a new plugin for Bamboo 8 that enables you to use Plastic SCM as source control for your build processes. You'll find it in the client installation dir, under plugins/bamboo81plugin.

The former plugin (under plugins/bambooplugin) only supports Bamboo 7.x or older.


Windows - Plastic: Open plastic links with last used GUI

When clicking on a plastic link, we were showing a dialog to ask the user whether to use the Legacy Plastic or the new PlasticX GUI to open it. We removed this dialog, and we will automatically open it with the last used GUI.

On macOS and Linux PlasticX is the official version, so plastic links are always opened with PlasticX


Command-line client: Undo command skips deleted or moved files

Using cm undo over a directory didn't restore files that were not actually there. Now it works as expected.

C:\wk\dir> del file.txt 
C:\wk\dir> cm undo .
c:\wk\dir\file.txt unchecked out correctly


All platforms - Server: Fix the update operation with a controlled cloaked.conf file

Working with a controlled cloaked.conf (a cloaked.conf that was checked-in), the update could be wrongly downloading some cloaked content. Usually, it could be downloading the cloaked items affected by the last cloaked rule in the file. Now it's fixed.

Alpha new

macOS, Linux - PlasticX, GluonX: New Merge tool for binary files

The new cross-platform Binary Merge Tool that we recently added to PlasticX and GluonX on Windows is now available on macOS and Linux.

The Binary Merge Tool allows the user to choose which version of a binary file to keep when there are conflicts during a merge.

Alpha new

All platforms - PlasticX: Use expanders for the Branch Explorer options

Previously, the branch explorer options used splitters to display the configuration. This caused two major usability issues:

* Too much information visible at once.

* Little space to interact with some views.

Now those panels are collapsible, so users can interact better with panels that need more vertical space.

Alpha new

All platforms - PlasticX, GluonX: ImageDiff now launched from Diff Window and Merge View

Diffing image files from the Diff Window and the Merge View will now launch the ImageDiff tool.

For example, you can launch the diff from the merge using these menu options:

Here is the Image Diff Tool:

Alpha new

All platforms - PlasticX: Enable/disable rules in Branch Explorer

Now the UI allows to enable or disable Filter and Conditional format rules in the Branch Explorer:

Alpha bug

All platforms - PlasticX: Restored right-click menu options for labels in Branch Explorer

In Branch Explorer, after we recently added the 2 label diff feature, single label right click options stopped working. We fixed this issue, sorry about that!

Alpha bug

All platforms - PlasticX: Error closing Create Account Dialog in the new Home Menu

In Plastic X, when creating an account from the new Home Menu, closing the dialog threw an error, we fixed this issue

Alpha bug

All platforms - PlasticX: Fixed diff scroll "jumps"

Every time the right file in the diff viewer was edited, caused the scroll to jump 1 line up. Now it's fixed.

Alpha bug

All platforms - PlasticX: Fixed diff summary after editing diffs.

After editing diffs, the diff summary (the label that indicates which is the current difference and how many differences there are), was not updated properly. Now it's fixed.

Alpha bug

All platforms - PlasticX: Code Reviews changeset column should grow

In Plastic X, when reviewing a code review changeset by changeset, in some cases after resizing the panel the column text didn't grow when expanding

We permanently fixed this issue:

