Release Notes

Public Mar 23 2022


Command-line client: Updated the help of the PLASTICEDITOR environment variable available for some commands.

We updated the description about using the PLASTICEDITOR environment variable. You can use this option with the following commands: branch create, label create, partial checkin, shelveset create, archive and checkin.


Windows - Visual Studio 2022 plugin: We've made some visual improvements

* Plastic CodeLens now shows real icons instead of ASCII or emoji.

* Changesets marked as "Merged and Changed" are now hidden from the history list avoiding duplicate records.

* Changesets are now ordered by date (and not by the object id).


All platforms - PlasticX: Added reveal password button

User will be able to display entered passwords for password text boxes.


Visual Studio 2022: CodeLens shows renames greatly!

CodeLens now uses short names rather than fully qualified names for renamed actions to improve legibility.


Server: Improve server stats log

Now the server stats included the queued work and the thread count for the thread pool. See example about what they look like:

2022-03-17 11:07:46,300 ActivityScheduler-59   (null)   INFO  ServerStats - PROCESS INFO
2022-03-17 11:07:46,300 ActivityScheduler-59   (null)   INFO  ServerStats - Entry                                      Value
2022-03-17 11:07:46,300 ActivityScheduler-59   (null)   INFO  ServerStats - ========================    =======================
2022-03-17 11:07:46,300 ActivityScheduler-59   (null)   INFO  ServerStats - Proc Id                                     9015
2022-03-17 11:07:46,304 ActivityScheduler-59   (null)   INFO  ServerStats - Handle count                                 715
2022-03-17 11:07:46,304 ActivityScheduler-59   (null)   INFO  ServerStats - Thread count                                 213
2022-03-17 11:07:46,304 ActivityScheduler-59   (null)   INFO  ServerStats - ThreadPool - Queue length                      0
2022-03-17 11:07:46,304 ActivityScheduler-59   (null)   INFO  ServerStats - ThreadPool - Thread count                     47


All platforms - PlasticX: Support navigating trees with left/right arrow keys.

All the tree views in PlasticX/GluonX now support navigation using left/right arrow keys:

* Right arrow key: If a node is not expanded, it expands it. If it's already expanded, it navigates to the first child.

* Left arrow key: If a node is expanded, collapses it. If it's not expanded, it navigates to the parent node.


All platforms - PlasticX: Checkboxes inside tables/trees not visible enough.

Increased the contrast colors to make them more noticeable, especially when the checkboxes were unchecked:


Command-line client: Add option to include delete & move operations in command line history

Using the flag --moveddeleted will now show delete & move operations when running cm history

For example:

> cm history rev:file2.txt#cs:2 --moveddeleted
D:2/22/2022 02:54 CS:1   B:/main
C: Created a new file
D:2/22/2022 02:54 CS:2   B:Moved from /file1.txt to /file2.txt
C: Renamed the file
D:2/22/2022 02:54 CS:3   B:Removed /file.txt
C: Deleted the file


Command-line client: cm finds nothing when involving unsolvable objects

Before, a query involving inexistent find objects gave zero results and didn't report any error.

# NOTE: The second path is a typo and has no revisions.
cm find revisions where (item='main.c' or item='naim.c')

Total: 0

Now queries run as expected:

cm find revisions where (item='main.c' or item='naim.c')

13 14-Mar-22 11:13:00 AM txt owner c:wkmain.c#br:/main/task01#1
23 15-Mar-22 3:29:05 PM txt owner c:wkmain.c#br:/main/task01#2
29 15-Mar-22 4:22:47 PM txt owner c:wkmain.c#br:/main/task02#3

Total: 3


All Platforms - PlasticX: Fixed error adding a new Code Review comment.

When opening a Code Review from a PlasticLink, and then trying to add a new comment, the UI displayed an "An unexpected error has occurred" error message. Now it's fixed.


All platforms - PlasticX: Fixed text editor's search box visibility.

When you change a file in the diff viewer (both pending changes view and diff window), and the text editor's search box was visible, the search box was wrongly hidden, and it couldn't be displayed again. Now it's fixed.


Command-line client: Archive can use an external text editor for comments.

Some commands use the PLASTICEDITOR environment variable to specify an editor for entering comments. If the PLASTICEDITOR environment variable is set, and the comment is empty, the editor will be automatically launched to allow you to specify the comment.

The 'cm archive' command disclaimed this was possible, but it didn't work. Now it is fixed.

We also fixed the help of other 2 commands (merge and create attribute), which also allowed this functionality, but it was not documented.

Alpha new

All platforms - PlasticX: Added diff selection differences

We added "diff selection" and "diff with previous selection" right-click context menu events in all Diff windows.

Now you can easily compare your custom selected code lines differences in a separate window

Alpha bug

All platforms - PlasticX: Flat button background

Background for flat buttons have been removed