Release Notes

Public Oct 20 2021


All platforms - Plastic: Triggers can now run from Global Config

One of the challenges when you need to run client-side triggers is to deploy them.

We have helped fix this problem by allowing triggers to be run from Global Config, which is a special repository that is deployed to all client workstations (or laptops :P). This way you just place your trigger in your Global Config repo, and every user will have it available.

To run the trigger, we introduced a new variable @GLOBAL_CONFIG_PATH, that will point to the global config directory of the server you're using.

So now you can create a trigger using a command like the following:

cm trigger create before-clientcheckin "Relative trigger path" "bash @GLOBAL_CONFIG_PATH/allrepos/triggers/"

You can learn more about triggers here:


All platforms - Server: Fixed checking free space on database path when a relative path was specified in the config.

Server failed to ensure a minimal storage when jet directory was set up using a relative path in jet.conf base path. Now it is fixed.