Release Notes

Public Oct 14 2021


All platforms - CLI: Now you can specify working mode, user and password for every command

We added new global parameters to the CLI. They allow you to fine tune the credentials that will be used to run the command. Additionally, the command will be able to run without a client.conf file if you specify the working mode and credentials.

The new parameters are:

* --server=[server] - override the default server defined in client.conf

* --workingmode=[mode] - specify the working mode to use. Valid values are: nameworkingmode, adworkingmode, upworkingmode or ldapworkingmode.

* --username=[username] - specify the username to use in client connections. Required for 'upworkingmode' or 'ldapworkingmode'.

* --password=[password] - specify the password to use in client connections. Required for 'upworkingmode' or 'ldapworkingmode'.

Example execution:

cm repo list --server=guestOrganization@cloud \
  --workingmode=ldapworkingmode \ \


All platforms - Server: Security upgrade on LDAP user authentication mode.

We upgraded the LDAP authentication mode for security reasons.

After upgrading the server to this version, users running Plastic SCM client versions older than could show an informative window asking for an application restart of the Plastic SCM client.

After this restart, the client will automatically use the upgraded authentication mode.

Remark: The client might also prompt a credentials window to retype user's credentials.


All platforms - All clients: The clients are now more resilient over unstable networks.

We improved our method call retry mechanism. With these changes, the client can handle slow networks and connectivity loss in a more reliable way, reducing the number of times an operation gets abandoned because of issues when contacting the server.


All platforms - Web UI: Copy comment GUID

- Added a button to copy comment's GUID in clipboard


Linux: Added support to install Plastic SCM in Debian 11

Prior to this relase, installing Plastic SCM with the package manager failed due an unmet dependency to a third-party library (libicu). Now it is fixed, the dependency is met, and installing Plastic in Debian 11 is now possible.


All platforms - Server: Fixed an AccessViolationException error

The server failed with an access violation exception in very rare concurrency circumstances. It happened when the TCP connection was killed while the server was writing the response on it.

Most of the time, it was totally possible end the client connection when the operation was still running without any problem. This is indeed a very common scenario that happens all the time and without major issues.

But if you saw your server process gone with no reason, you could be facing this issue.