Release Notes
Public Jul 14 2021
All platforms - CLI: Undo operation from outside the workspace
The undo operation of the Plastic CLI could only be performed from inside the workspace where the changes were to be applied. We changed this behavior, and now you can specify an absolute path to undo the changes in any workspace.
All platforms - CLI: Add SSO working mode in clconfigureclient
Now you can configure your Plastic client from the command line using SSO. You need to specify the user, server, and SSO token. Like this:
clconfigureclient --language=en --workingmode=SSOWorkingMode --server=codice@cloud --token=YOUR_TOKEN
All platforms - Web UI: Code review assigned to me filter now works with multiple reviewers
Previously the filter would only check the first reviewer in the list. Now, we check every user for a match.
All platforms - Plastic, Gluon: Fixed issue when obtaining user profiles
In the "User profile" tab inside the preferences panel, sometimes there was an issue retrieving the profile from the server:
Cannot retrieve the profile from localhost:7178. Details: Error: ConnectFailure (Connection refused)
We fix this issue - now we check if the server is listening before asking for the profile.
All platforms - Web UI: Fixed the following issues
- Redirecting the user to the repos list if it doesn't have permissions for the current repo;
- Fixed spacing issues between file list and readme contents;
- Fixed navigation to the label diff from the labels list.
All platforms - Command line: Replica progress showed weird messages.
If you ever seen a weird message like this in your replica:
$cm clone codice@localhost:6060 --authmode=LDAPWorkingMode --user=pablo --password=supersecret Destination repository 'codice@localhost:6060' already exists and it's empty. [#####.........................................................] - Total active users: {0} (8217)path is already used. Please unload the item (from the configuration view) and retry the operation. (0) Fetching metadata [###############...............] Pushing metadata [..............................] Introducing data [..............................]The "total active users thing" there. We just fixed it. We broke it during our localization effort, but it is now fixed.
All platforms - Web UI: Code review file list fixes
- Files that have been merged are now correctly displayed under the "merges" category.
- Changes to file system permissions are no longer hidden from the file list.
- Merge groups are now displayed and include the spec of the merge source.
- Refactor groups are also now displayed.
Overall, the file list in Web UI should now closely match the layout and format of the desktop client.
All platforms - Web UI: Fixed the following issues
- Fixed editing the title of a code review
- Clearing alerts when navigating to another url