Release Notes

Public Jun 02 2021


All platforms - All clients: The workspace tree (plastic.wktree) file format has changed to read & save it much faster!

We tested the new format with different workspace sizes (with 80000 and 400000 files/directories) in different machines:

* The time reading the workspace tree metadata is 2x, 4x or even 10x times faster than previous release.

* The average time writing the workspace tree metadata is up to 2x times faster than previous release.

Some examples:

* Reading a workspace tree of 77000 items took 490 ms. Now it takes 109 ms.

* Writing a workspace tree of 77000 items took 142 ms. Now it takes 79 ms.

Some extra background about the plastic.wktree file: The workspace tree metadata is stored in the plastic.wktree file inside the workspace metadata folder ($YOUR_WORKSPACE/.plastic).

This file is read every time a desktop application (Plastic, Gluon) opens a workspace for first time, or when running a command line operation for a workspace.

It is written every time we perform any change to the workspace (switch to a different branch/changeset/label, run an 'update workspace', checkout a file, undo pending changes, etc.).

Its size depends on the number of items loaded in the workspace. So, for big workspaces, the time reading (or saving) it can affect to the performance of the clients.


All platforms - Web UI: File Explorer support

Added support for README files in the File Explorer.


All platforms - Web UI: Various improvements

- If there are assigned code reviews, when visiting the code review list for the first time, it shows the assigned reviews, otherwise, it shows all reviews.

- Avoiding resetting data when navigating from one list to another.

- Lowered the minimum loading transition animation


All platforms - TeamCity plugin: Versioned settings is now supported!

We extended our plugin to support the Versioned settings feature in TeamCity. You can now enable it in any TeamCity project that consumes a Plastic SCM VCS root.

More info about Versioned Settings here.


All platforms - Web UI: prevent duplicate code reviews


All platforms - Mergetool: Fixed MarkAsUnresolvedButton key

There was a missing key in one of the buttons in the MergeTool, so the text wasn't being translated to the chosen localization

