Release Notes

Public Jan 30 2025


All platforms - Server: Prevent moving a repository inside itself

Previously when you moved a repository under itself (MyProject/MyRep -> MyProject/MyRep/tests) fails with the error "Module can't be created because parent repository doesn't exist." and the repository ends up unreachable.

Now when you try to move a repository under itself the operation fails with a meaningful error "The repository 'MyProject/MyRep' cannot be moved inside itself 'MyProject/MyRep/tests'." and the repository remains with its old name.


All platforms - Desktop GUI: Focus set to the Search filter text box

When adding users to code reviews through the "Select user or group" dialog, the focus is now automatically placed in the Search filter text box.


All platforms - Desktop GUI: Ignore.conf is reformatted after adding a new file via the GUI

Fixed an issue where adding new rules caused the ignore.conf, cloaked.conf, or hidden_changes.conf files to be reformatted, which could result in the loss of comments.

Now, comments are retained when updating ignore.conf, cloaked.conf, and hidden_changes.conf.


All Platforms - Desktop GUI: Prevent duplicate key error in Pending Changes

We’ve fixed an issue where enabling the Tree View mode in the Pending Changes view could cause a “same key already added” error when trying to check-in the files for nested folders.