Release Notes

Public Jul 10 2024


All platforms - Desktop GUI: Added comments and questions columns to code reviews view

We added two new columns to the code reviews view: the comments column, that shows the number of comments and replies, and the questions column, that shows the number of unanswered questions and unresolved change requests.


All platforms - Desktop GUI: Code review comments navigation fixes

We found and fixed two different issues that happened when opening a code review and navigate to a comment for the first time.

1. Navigating to a comment that was added in the "entire branch diff" mode, but showing the code review in "changeset by changeset diff" mode:

An error message "The item for this comment cannot be shown as it has been deleted" was shown. The error is not shown the second time you navigate to the comment.

2. Navigating to a commend that was added in a given changeset in the "changeset by changeset diff" mode, and showing the code review in "changeset by changeset diff" mode in a different changeset:

The changeset was selected but the comment file was not selected. The second time the navigation works fine too.

Both issues have been fixed.


Command-line client: The cm fast-import command failed when importing files bigger than 2GB

The cm fast-import command failed if the export file contained a blob bigger than 2GB. This happened because the blobs size was handled as an int32 value. Fixed.


Windows - Installer: Fixed error installing on-prem edition over an existing cloud edition

An error window at the end of the install process was shown when installing on-prem edition over an existing cloud edition.

The error was shown when the installer ran plasticd upgradeconf command (this command is just for upgrading the config files if you're upgrading from a plastic version from 2021).