Release Notes

Public Jan 15 2021


All platforms - Installer: Trial license is now an Enterprise Edition trial license.

Before this version, new installations of Plastic SCM deployed a Team edition trial license. So, some features were not available, but not anymore.


Windows - Gluon: File plastic links are ready to use!

This is a new feature flag. We implemented a new way to share files. We added a new panel between the details section and the history of the file. This is how it looks!

To share your file just click on the copy button to obtain the link!

If you received a file plastic link, you just need to click on it. Gluon will show you the file and the changeset on the screen. Don't worry if you don't have the file, we will download it for you.

But first, to activate this new feature flag you need to add to your gameui.conf file this entry:

* PlasticLinkEnabled=True

Enjoy and share!


Windows - Gluon: Check existence of a file or directory when creating a new one.

Corrected the behavior when a new file or new directory is created and the item already exists on disk. If exists, a descriptive error text will be shown in the dialog. See below.


Plastic: Windows - Plasticlink for shelvesets is not working

We found labels were not working either and fixed both cases.

Now plasticlinks are correctly working for shelvesets and labels cases.


Windows - Plastic: plasticlink to compare two objects wasn't working correctly.

Plasticlinks were not generated correctly when a "Compare with" diff is launched, both on labels and changesets cases. We also found that labels' name encoding and decoding were wrong too.

Now this is all fixed and "Compare with.." diff are working as expected:

* Before: plastic:// nre super label %%/diff

* Now: plastic://


Windows - Plastic: two changeset plasticlink sorting was wrong.

The src and dst are the wrong way round in the generated changeset links.

E.g., diff changesets 1 and 6, link is


The same error happened when generating label diff. Furthermore, we found wrong sorted information at the label diff window. Source and destination labels are reversed.

This was the result when comparing "new Label" label with "Cset=23" label:

Fixed two label diff window:


All platforms - Server: corrected value of PLASTIC_CHANGESET trigger variable.

In a specific scenario the PLASTIC_CHANGESET variable of the after-checkin trigger could contain the incorrect value.

Specifically, this happened when checking in the results of a "merge to..." operation after creating a shelveset. The PLASTIC_CHANGESET variable would contain the shelveset spec instead of the changeset spec.

This is now corrected.