Release Notes

Public Jan 05 2021


Windows - Plastic: Plastic links are here!

We implemented a way to share diffs by using a link. You just need to click on the new "share link" button, and it will get copied to your clipboard. The links look like this:


You can find this new button at the top right corner of the Diff View. This is how it looks!

The final goal is to be able to share with your teammates not only diffs, but links to any part of the repository.

For now, Plastic links are Windows only, and in preview. To activate them you need to add this entry to your plasticgui.conf file:


You can find the plasticgui.conf configuration file under %LOCALAPPDATA%\plastic4.

Enjoy it and let us know your feedback!


All platforms - P4 sync: More improvements in P4 Sync!

We improved the Perforce sync operation. Now, it's able to:

* Set file type of a file using the P4 CLI client.

* Submit changelists in a depot using the P4 CLI client.


Windows - Plastic: We edited the message when removing a custom "Open with..." tool

Before, we were showing the same message as when removing a "Preview" tool.

Now, the message shown when you remove an "Open with..." tool is correct:


All platforms - Command line client: We changed 'cm changelist' flags.changelist - (--)

* 'persistent' / 'notpersistent' flags now contain a '--' prefix.

* We fixed an incorrect behaviour. When entering [console]cm clist myclist --persistent[/console] it showed a success message but did nothing. Now we are able to edit the --persistent / --notpersistent flag without having to rename or edit the changelist description.

* We updated the CLI help texts and included missing information in the Spanish version.


Windows - Wwise plugin: We updated the plugin for the latest SDK!

From version 2019.1.x.y to version 2019.2.x.y of Wwise there was a breaking change in the SDK we use to build our plugin. We updated the plugin to be compatible with the latest version of Wwise.

If you are using version 2019.2.x.y of Wwise, simply replace your current PlasticSCMWwisePlugin.dll with the new one.

Note, if you already configured an older version of the plugin you will need to reconfigure it after you update. This is because of a change in the way the configuration is stored.

What has changed:

We had to add a new field to the configuration dialog where you must enter the Wwise project root path. Note, the Wwise project must be inside a Plastic workspace. Having a separate project path and workspace path allows us to operate more efficiently when your workflow involves having multiple Wwise projects within a single Plastic workspace. (The preferred usage is one project per workspace however).

When configuring the plugin, enter the cm.exe path as before, and now set the project path before clicking "Test connection" to test the connection.

Here is what the updated dialog looks like:


Windows - Plastic: Open Workspace dialog now has its window state saved and restored.

From now size settings from Open Workspace window are saved and restored everytime the window is opened or closed.


All platforms - WebUI: We fixed a bug that prevented the diff view content from scrolling to the first change.


Linux - Plastic: We fixed an issue during server side merges.

Performing a server side merge (or merge to) operation in Plastic Linux resulted in an exception being thrown where certain conflicts were detected. We fixed the issue and now the merge works on every scenario.


All platforms - client REST API: We fixed switch/update operations in cloud workspaces.

We detected that the client REST API couldn't switch or update workspaces that pointed to cloud repos. An error in repository server resolution led to internal server errors. It's all fixed now!