Release Notes

Public Dec 01 2020


All platforms - Plastic, Gluon: download speed and estimated remaining time

Rumor has it that Plastic downloads your data faster than any other SCM tool. Is that true? We think so. And now you can see for yourself how blazingly fast your data is being downloaded.

We've enhanced the progress status shown during workspace updates with the current download speed, and the estimated time until update completes. Is there time to grab a biscuit from the kitchen while you switch branches? Well, now you'll know!

Take a look at these screenshots:


All Platforms - Plastic, Gluon: speed and remaining time estimates for checkins!

We added the upload speed and estimated remaining time to the checkin progress bar. No more guessing when your checkin will complete. Let us guess instead :)

Here's what it looks like:


Windows - Shell Extension: Main menu will now show the Plastic SCM icon


Windows - Shell Extension: "Add directory tree to source control" context menu option will be always enabled when a folder is selected. This behavior will now match what Plastic application does.