Release Notes

Public Jul 14 2020


Windows - Plastic: The tabs and the sidebar now have a new look and feel!

We rewrote the style from scratch! Take a look at how beautiful (and modern) it looks now:

Default theme:

I3 theme:

Montana theme:

Montana-dark theme:


Issue tracker extensions - JIRA: The extension now supports next-gen projects!

Next-gen projects do not support the type of custom field we use for the JIRA integration.

To resolve this, we added the option to add the checkin info to the JIRA issue as a comment.

Leave the "Custom field ID" blank in your Plastic Issue Tracker configuration to have checkin info added as a comment.


Windows - Gluon: The window is now resizable from all edges!

The Gluon window was only resizable from its bottom left corner.

Now you can resize it from all of its edges! Take a look:


All platforms - Server: We updated "clconfigureserver" references to "plasticd configure".

We deprecated clconfigureserver. The correct way to configure a server using the command line is by calling "plasticd configure":

> .\plasticd.exe configure
####--- Server configuration wizard ---####
Configuring language. These are the available languages:
1. English
2. Spanish
Choose a language (type a number): 1


The Plastic SCM server has been correctly configured.

We also updated the error message you get if you try to start an un-configured server to reflect this change:

> .\plasticd.exe
Server config file C:\plasticserver\server.conf not found. Plastic Server is not correctly configured. Execute "plasticd configure" to configure server on text mode, or "configureserver" to launch the gui server configuration wizard.


All platforms - All products: The token expiration still hits Cloud Edition users.

We just made another fix that caused Cloud Edition users to suffer from token expired when connecting to Cloud directly without a profile (the default).


All platforms - Server: The server now writes logs to the correct directory when it is running as service.

The server would write the logs to your SYSTEM home path under these circumstances: your loader.log.conf has relative paths, and the server runs as a Windows service. Now the paths in the log config are relative to the server's executable location.


Windows - Plastic: We fixed a bug rearranging the tabs.

Sometimes a tab rearranged to its previous position when clicking it near its left border. Now it's fixed!


Windows - Plastic: We fixed an issue reverting to revisions in the diff window.

You can revert files to an early revision on a branch or changeset differences window. You can do so by selecting "Revert to this revision" option in the left panel's context menu.

However, this would silently fail if you saved changes to the file in the right panel of the diff before trying to revert.

We fixed this! Now the revert functionality is consistent whether you have local changes, have unsaved edits in the diff window or have saved edits in the diff window.


All platforms - Command line client: We fixed the fast-import stats flag.

The fast-import command would fail on any non-trivial repository if you set the --stats flag. It is now fixed!