Release Notes

Public Jul 06 2020


All platforms - Server: The WebAdmin/WebUI supports HTTPS now!

The web server will automatically use the first certificate you configured in your network settings. This means that the web interface will use the same certificate you use for your Plastic SCM SSL connections automatically, without any further configuration. If you don't have any SSL ports defined in your server network configuration, only the HTTP endpoint will start.

The WebAdmin/WebUI HTTP endpoint will still listen on port 7178 by default, but from now on it will be bound to localhost only! So you won't be able to access WebAdmin/WebUI from other machines. If that's what you want, you'll either need to setup HTTPS or use a reverse proxy.

The WebAdmin/WebUI HTTPS endpoint will listen on port 7179 by default. You can configure that port using the 'WebAdminToolSslPort' setting in server.conf. This endpoint will listen on any network interface.

If you change the certificate you use for the SSL port at some point, make sure you restart the server to refresh the certificate information in the WebAdmin/WebUI.


All platforms - Server: We changed the default value of AbortRequestIfSocketCloses in server.conf.

AbortRequestIfSocketCloses should be true on Windows systems running .NET Framework builds of the server. All other configurations should have the value set to false.

We changed the default value to reflect this.


All platforms - Command line client: We fixed an issue with repeated error messages during the update.

The command line client could print errors and warnings multiple times if the message was longer than the console window width. We fixed it to only output the message once.