Release Notes

Public May 06 2020


All platforms - .NET Core Server: We reduced the memory used in caches by up to 50% for big repositories.

In servers like ours -with several repositories hoarding more than 1 million revisions each- you can save more than 1GB of memory.


All platforms - Server: Now you can limit the number of repositories that have the Jet caches enabled.

By default, when using the Jet backend, the server keeps caches for 500 repositories. The server selects 10% of the least recently used repositories and cleans their caches when it reaches the 500 repos limit.

MNow you can change both values in the jet.conf configuration file using the following settings:



All platforms - Issue tracker extensions (codeBeamer): The 'CodeBeamer' extension now is 'codeBeamer', which is the correct name.


All platforms - Issue tracker extensions (codeBeamer): We now include a default config file for codeBeamer.

This default codebeamer.conf file will help you to configure the codeBeamer extension.

You will find it alongside your client binaries, under extensions/config_samples/.

By default, client binaries are in:

Windows: %PROGRAMFILES%\PlasticSCM5\client
  macOS: /Applications/
  Linux: /opt/plasticscm5/client


All Platforms - UDT protocol: Now the UDT protocol is available for everyone, regardless of your OS!

Users behind high latency networks will find this especially useful. Keep reading!

We have had the option to go with UDT for our Windows users for a long time.

Now, all users will be able to use it as we replaced the existing UDT implementation with our own fully .NET compatible version.

There is a caveat: right now UDT is only available when using 'remoting' as the network protocol. This means that the new .NET Core based server, which only uses PlasticProtocol, can't take advantage of this yet.

UDT also doesn't allow secure connections (SSL), but we have plans to add it for PlasticProtocol too, making it much more usable.

By the way, we decided to share our work with the Open Source community. UdtSharp, as we named it, is available under the MIT licence.


Unity plugin: Now, the plugin considers local project packages for versioning.

This means their folders and contents will appear in the 'Pending changes' view of 'Version Control' window in Unity when they contain any change.

This feature is available for Unity 2019.3 or later.


All platforms - Plastic, Gluon: We fixed a small issue that could wrongly show help panels in the first hours of the day.

Dates of help panels "last seen" info are stored locally to avoid bugging you if you already saw the help. Dates are stored in UTC, but the code was not using UTC, which means during the first hours of the day they could be wrongly displayed.

Here's some trivia for your: we found this issue because of an automated test always failing just after midnight!


Server - Linux: We improved UDT speed on Linux.

We found and corrected an issue in our home grown implementation of UDT which made it run really, really slow on Linux.