Release Notes

Public Apr 03 2020


All platforms - Command line client: The fast-import command will now use the correct server.

Before, the command always used the server configured in the client instead of the server specified in the command.

This was because it ignored the server specified in the repository spec that the command received . So, when running the command...

> cm fast-import fastimporttest@test@cloud fast-export.dat tried to do the import in the server configured in the client (i.e: localhost:8087) instead of doing the import in the test@cloud organization.

Now that's fixed!


macOS - Plastic: We fixed an issue when redimensioning the "Mergelink description" panel in the Pending Changes view after a merge.

Do you remember the "Check/clear all" button in the Pending Changes view? It didn't have a fixed height. This caused an issue redimensioning the "Mergelink description" panel - the Pending Changes' file tree went down with the splitter, and you couldn't see the list of files.

Under some circumstances (hundreds of files pending to checkin) this issue could also even lead to the application crashing. But that's now fixed!