Release Notes

Public Mar 13 2020


macOS, Linux - Gluon: We implemented checkins with symlinks.

The cm partial ci command allows the --symlink option like the cm ci does.

With this --symlink option, Plastic SCM checkins the symlink instead of the target. Please note this only works in UNIX-like OSs such as GNU/Linux based distros and macOS.

> cm partial checkin link --symlink


All platforms - Server: We protected the connection collector thread.

First, some background: a lost connection is a connection that stays too long doing nothing, normally because of a network issue.

So, the connection collector thread is a thread that collects these lost connections to purge them. See the importance of keeping the collector thread alive?

The issue was that, when debugging our server, we caused an exception that killed said thread. The only way to recover from this was restarting the server. We now protected this scenario - which was already very very unlikely to happen to you!


All platforms - Server: We protected socket "begin receive async" code.

Connections could stay alive forever if the client closed it when the server was invoking said receive. Now it is fixed!


All platforms - Server: We fixed a memory leak during LZ4 negotiation.

Don't worry - LZ4 is not mainstream yet. It is almost impossible you were hit by this one! But we had a memory leak during the LZ4 negotiation. We detected it in our internal production server, 2MB buffers grew too much.

We fixed the leak and also improved how we log buffer's sizes. Now there is no change of an overflow if the buffer size gets too big!


All platforms - Plastic: We fixed some duplicated entries in repository comboboxes.

This issue could appear when creating a workspace from the Welcome dialog (this is, the first steps with the application).

The combo to select a Plastic SCM repository could have duplicated entries if your organization's name has any uppercase character. Now it's fixed!