Release Notes

Public Mar 05 2020


All platforms - Server: We added a new subcommand called conns to the plastid shell command. It displays all the network connections for a specific Plastic SCM server instance.


All platforms - Server: The user management command line tool, umtool, is now available as a subcommand of plasticd shell.

To manage your users and groups, you can now run:

c:\> plasticd umtool

The arguments to umtool remain unchanged. You can learn more about the umtool command line options in the online documentation.


All platforms - Server: We added detailed shutdown times of each component and better logs to the activity scheduler.

We added new logs to have more precise tracking while improving tests performance, but we think they are good logs to stay.

DEBUG Daemon - Cleanup done in 47 ms

We also added logs to track scheduled activities as follows:

2020-02-26 16:27:41,490 ActivitySchedulerThread (null)    DEBUG ActivityScheduler - Run [Transaction manager] 0 ms. (Runs every 2 min)
2020-02-26 16:27:41,491 ActivitySchedulerThread (null)    DEBUG ActivityScheduler - Run [Reload config files] 0 ms. (Runs every 2 sec)
2020-02-26 16:27:43,494 ActivitySchedulerThread (null)    DEBUG ActivityScheduler - Run [Reload config files] 0 ms. (Runs every 2 sec)
2020-02-26 16:27:45,495 ActivitySchedulerThread (null)    DEBUG ActivityScheduler - Run [Reload config files] 0 ms. (Runs every 2 sec)


All platforms - All clients: We added trace information when a workspace returns to cs:0.

When a workspace gets resetted (it points again to cs:0 and all files appear as private), Plastic SCM clients will now leave a trace of what happened in the workspace .plastic directory as new log files (without needing any extra log configuration).

This applies to all clients (Plastic, Command Line Client, Gluon, Visual Studio Package, Shell Extension, etc) so regardless of which one of them resets the workspace, it will leave detailed log of what and why happened.

The names of these log files look like wkcorruption.2020. & wkmismatch.2020., where the numbers are a timestamp.


All platforms - all products (logging): We added a daily rolling file appender. It does what you expect by its name - a new log file for each day's logs. You can also set a maximum number of files to keep on disk.

To configure this log appender, add something like the following to your "log.conf" files.

    <appender name="DebugAppender" type="Codice.LogWrapper.DailyRollingFileAppender">
        <file value="cm.debug.log.txt" />
        <maxFileCount value="3" />
        <appendToFile value="true" />
        <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
            <conversionPattern value="%date %thread %property{TransactionID} %property{ClientMachine} %-5level %logger - %message%newline" />
        <level value="DEBUG" /> 
        <appender-ref ref="DebugAppender" />

This will generate files like: 2020-02-27-cm.debug.log.txt, 2020-02-28-cm.debug.log.txt and so on.

Parameter maxFileCount is the maximum number of files to keep on disk. The oldest log files in the directory will be deleted to maintain this limit.


All platforms - Plastic: we improved the text of the merge resolution menu options to make what's going on clearer. In particular, the options for a "merge to..." operation no longer mention the workspace (because there is no workspace involved in a "merge to" operation!).


All platforms - Plastic: In some scenarios, the combo to select a Plastic SCM repository when creating a workspace in the Welcome screen could be duplicated. Now it's fixed.


Windows - Gluon: When using the "Search files" functionality in the "Explore workspace" view, if there was activity on disk in the workspcace folder, Gluon was not able to correctly focus the selected file. Now it's fixed (special thanks to Greg Koreman for reporting this!).


Windows - Plastic: Sometimes the GUI lost the expanded and selected nodes in the Workspace Explorer if you clicked the refresh button repeatedly. Now it's fixed.